Restaurant reviews are inherently problematic. With so many dishes on the menu at many restaurants, it’s almost impossible to give a fair assessment of the breadth of food a place offers. Restaurants have their good days and their bad days. As a writer, it’s hard to take one visit and one dish as a complete representation of what a place has to offer. To do it right, you really need to revisit a place over a long period of time, sample many of their dishes and see how they do.
With sites like Yelp, Facebook and Twitter, there is also a need for instant coverage. I know when a place opens its doors, I want to know RIGHT AWAY if it’s good or not (as unreasonable as that is). So, in an effort to strike a middle ground and try a little something different, we decided to launch a new style of food review. Rather than giving a holistic view that sums up a place, we’re going to review a dish. We’ll try to hit both new restaurants and ones that have been around a while, the hope being that we’ll discover some good dishes and help cross some not-so-great ones off the list to help narrow things down to the real winners on a menu.