The Portland Opera is hopping on the blog bandwagon with a special opportunity for a select group of bloggers to live blog the Opera with their production of Rigoletto.
On Portland will be in attendance on opening night May 8th (starting at 7:30pm at the Keller Auditorium) and will be covering the opera live here on the site as well as on twitter. Follow us @OnPortland for up to date coverage of this opera and then check in here on the site at around 9pm for the first installment of our live review (we get to post at the first intermission).
Also if you’re going to be in the audience for opening night, let us know either here in the comments or on twitter.
In the mean time, it’s always good to study up on your opera before heading out so here are some useful bits about Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto:
- Portland Opera’s Study Guide for Rigolletto
- Photos from the rehearsal of Rigoletto at Portland Opera
- Wikipedia’s History of Rigoletto
- Luciano Pavarotti’s famous rendition of The Duke
Also here are some interviews with key people from the Portland Opera Production of Rigoletto:
Mark Rucker on singing Rigoletto:
Richard Troxell as the Duke:
Conductor George Manahan
3 replies on “Portland Opera’s Rigoletto – A Study Guide”
Thanks for your coverage of Portland Opera. I would have loved to blog this performance but I thought I was going to be in Utah with my husband, so I didn’t take the comp preview tickets.
Have fun!
Ellen Kimball
Portland, OR
Tweet me! @Radio_Lady
Looking forward to your comments.
[…] Portland Opera Rigoletto – A Study Guide […]